Cara Pics
Cara Pics
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20   

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week 1 - I can't believe I survived
a week with these people!!!
week 2 - 2 weeks is hard work;
I'm tuckered out!!
week 3 - Booties and bows -
happy 3 weeks to me!!
week 4 - Is this how you smile?
I'm still learning.
week 5 - Sophie and I were dancing to celebrate
my 1 month check up results. I'm tall (22.5"),
and I was just an ounce shy of reaching 10 lbs already!!!
week 6 - Mommy and Daddy have been so
good to me, so I took them out for nachos -
Daddy's favorite!!! I'm also smiling and
gaining a lot more control of my head.
More on this next week
week 8 - 8 wks and busting out
of my 3 month jammies - oh my!!